Be an Administrator Who Leads effectively.

Neither of the authors of this site have ever been an administrator, but we do know the characteristics of leaders that bring positive excitement to the faculty room. We’ve been there to hear the moans and groans, but also the accolades that come when the boss is leading in a positive, professional and collegial way.


Without question you want to become (or remain) the type of person who generates enthusiastic passion in your faculty.

One way to generate that motivational energy could be by using programs and systems that have been developed and proven to be effective.
With that in mind, we would encourage you to investigate the motivational systems and courses offered by clicking on the blue banner to the right.


If you visit that site you will find Lots of free Motivation Resources and Licensing Opportunities for schools and colleges.
It’s not possible to quantify various levels of administrative activity, but we have identified a subjective layering of the different catagories that they can fit into.
These layers are catagorized below, from the lowest to highest.

  • Manager: making sure each teacher has a room.
  • Communicator: At least the communicator talks…
  • Enthuser & Encourager: “Good job, Joe” – whether or not it’s true.
  • Innovator: “Let’s try it this way…”
  • Visionary :”Guess what! We could DO this.”
  • Creator:”OK, roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work.”

The link below won’t give you much theoretical pedagogy, but it will illustrate a negative look from the grassroots level of the type of leader teachers will follow less than enthusiastically.

Click here to see a Dear Boss letter to an administrator who is far from collegial.