Good Students don’t have to be Nerds

students3Good students can have a real life! You do not need to spend every waking hour nose down in a book. In fact, if you follow our simplified system of success for students, you will most likely end up with more enjoyment time than you now have.

And your grades will be better, too!

So you’re a teenager?

Is that a problem? Or a possibility?

As a teenager, have you ever wanted to be a rebel? Tell everyone to “Stick it!” Chances are there’s something inside you that looks at your part of the world and knows things should be different. You know things should be different, but you don’t know how to make that difference.

If that’s the case, this book might be for you. Not to teach you to be a rebel, but to show you how to become a revolutionary.

There’s a big difference, you know. Rebels are mostly just against stuff. Revolutionaries see that things are wrong, but more importantly, come to the world with a better way, a revolutionary way, of getting things done.

Being revolutionary take courage.

Watch it, though, for there’s a danger in becoming a revolutionary. You might not fit in as much as before. If you become a true revolutionary, you will more likely stand out from your crowd. They might think you’re a bit different, even rather radical.

Thinking for yourself is the most important step in becoming a true revolutionary. You can’t remain a victim of easy enjoyment. You need to search for that spark of energy that leads you to become a person who makes a difference, who improves the part of the world in which you live.

This site will not tell you what to think. What it will do, however, is give you some hints and procedures to show you how to think.

You were created to do good things for other people, and live with a focus of purpose that gives your life meaning and fulfillment.

There’s something else about this website. You won’t be treated like an idiot. It is assumed that you have the desire and ability to become an independent, critical thinker. And once your thinking abilities are energized, you will become enthused to take solid action on those thoughts.

Here’s how it works. I will share some of my thoughts about learning and thinking that have been put together as I’ve taught physics and chemistry for over fifty years. Those experiences cover both public school and private Christian schools. Some of those experiences involve farm kids, others from inner city and typical suburbia kids. You may disagree with my thoughts, but guess what… that’s totally okay. The only criterion is this; if you disagree you need to be able to crystallize your thoughts about why you disagree. If you can do that, you’re on the wonderful road to becoming the revolutionary that lives in your heart.

One thing I won’t do is bore you with inane questions of the yes, no and maybe type. Sometimes I will share my own thoughts or questions about the selection. Other times I will simply pose a question that should lead to some type of discussion, even if it doesn’t lead to a definitive answer.

Look, there’s another important thing about this site. I’m not going to talk-down to you, nor am I going to try and use a simplistic vocabulary so that it will be easier to understand. I will present ideas and questions that are consistent with your created possibilities. If, in my writing, I happen to use a word that might be out of your vocabulary range, I will resist the temptation to replace it with an easier word or phrase. Either figure out the meaning from the context in which it is used or grab your trusty dictionary, either hard copy or online, and explore a new way of expressing yourself.

The writing in this site is not formal, either. I will write much as if we were talking with each other sitting in those comfortable chairs at Starbucks. Neither will I try and jam my ideas down your throat. I will simply propose a thought and give you the opportunity to mull it over in your mind. Then, when the mulling is done, you will hopefully reach some kind of meaningful conclusion or develop your own idea or question.

Finally, remember this; it’s perfectly acceptable to ask the questions “why” or “why not?” But along with the right to ask those questions comes the responsibility to listen carefully to the answer, then engage in a logical and meaningful dialogue.

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